Today for our Fun Friday activity, we learned all about WHALES! We compared whales to other ocean animals, and learned fun and snappy poems to go along with our new knowledge about whales.
Did you know whales are the size of a canoe when they're born? Or that whales have TWO blow-holes? We filled our brains up with a lot of new information! The students also used the microphones to present their information to their peers.
We also had a "gigglish" afternoon. We caught the giggle bug during a read aloud, and couldn't get rid of it! Oh was THAT kind of Friday afternoon, for sure...
Enjoy your weekend!
-Mrs. Ramirez
P.S. I also allow the students to make videos outside at recess, to help them feel comfortable talking and performing in front of others. Since it has been "rainy-day" recess for the past couple of days- I allowed one group of girls to make a video to a favorite song of theirs. They practiced and practiced the day before at recess, so I allowed them to make a video. One little girl recorded, while the rest sang...and one girl was there just for moral support. Love their spunky confidence!
I think that's the best coloring job Wyatt has ever done!! Wow! I so <3 this blog! Thank you Mrs. Ramirez :-)