Welcome to My Blog!

Being a teacher is full of ups, downs, and in betweens. I love the look on a students face when they learn how to read. I love when students can solve problems on their own. I absolutely love when students feel proud of their work, and want to share it with the class. This blog is going to be full of moments in the classroom, pictures, and sometimes videos. Take everything with a grain of salt, as it is my opinion & reflections.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bullying Lesson

Today was a fun yet intriguing day. I taught the kids an old but true lesson about bullying. I had each and every student start off with a blank sheet of notebook paper. I talked about how it looked, asked them how it felt, and we admired the beautiful blank sheets of paper. Then, I instructed the kiddoes to DESTROY the papers...(some bit them, some stomped, some yelled, some crumpled, some pinched, etc.) After 30 seconds of hurting the paper, I asked them to sit down and flatten out the destroyed paper. They flattened the paper out as best as they could, but we couldn't help but notice the crumples and the "scars" left on the paper, even after we did our best to flatten it out. We had an in-depth conversation about how those marks will always be there, and how hurtful words crumple our hearts, and kind words do their best to un-crumple them. What started off as a funny and goofy activity became incredibly powerful. It was an awesome lesson, one that I hope they carry with them in their hearts, forever-words are so powerful.

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