Welcome to My Blog!

Being a teacher is full of ups, downs, and in betweens. I love the look on a students face when they learn how to read. I love when students can solve problems on their own. I absolutely love when students feel proud of their work, and want to share it with the class. This blog is going to be full of moments in the classroom, pictures, and sometimes videos. Take everything with a grain of salt, as it is my opinion & reflections.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Classroom Newsletter Week of 10/28

What a week! We had our Drug-free week, so everyday we celebrated something. We also did a unit on OWLS this week, and boy, did we learn a lot. I am so excited about the FALL FESTIVAL tonight, weather permitting- it should be a blast!

-We practiced the ING sound in words like sing, thing, ring, etc.
-We learend different ways to practice our spelling words
-We read a story about SOCCER! (Very fitting for some students!)

-We ventured into Chapter 5, learning all about Fact Families
-We did a MATH lesson outside where we used the children as actual fact families

-We learned all about OWLS this week
-Did you know that some owls can go 40 days in between meals?!

-We've been going over what good writers do
-We made a class pledge about what good writers MUST do, and traced our hands to seal the deal

-Fall Festival TONIGHT 6-8
-Open Media Mondays 5-7

-If you ever have any questions/concerns/comments- please don't hesitate!

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