Welcome to My Blog!

Being a teacher is full of ups, downs, and in betweens. I love the look on a students face when they learn how to read. I love when students can solve problems on their own. I absolutely love when students feel proud of their work, and want to share it with the class. This blog is going to be full of moments in the classroom, pictures, and sometimes videos. Take everything with a grain of salt, as it is my opinion & reflections.

Friday, August 17, 2012

What a Week!

We concluded our very busy/productive week with a pep-rally! We've gained two new students, and are learning everyday more and more how to use our hearts and heads to think, and make decisions like big, strong, 1st graders. I absolutely love your precious darlings.

We also had the chance to learn to speak in front of the class. We practiced speaking loudly, and clearly. We also went over how important it was to not turn our backs to the audience.

Next week we will start the actual material for Mathematics, and we will be reviewing for 1 more week in Reading. I am excited for all of the "moments" this year has in store for us. Enjoy some photos and videos!


  1. Oh I love this blog!!! So amazing :-) Thanks for taking your time to do this Mrs. Ramirez! The Berlins

    1. Thank you so much for your comments! I love knowing you are checking it out and connecting. I absolutely love Wyatt. I have another video, I'll have to share with Wyatt-
      It was when he blew into it, and no noise came out and all the kids (and him) burst into
      Laughter. Thanks again for commenting!

  2. This is great, Mrs. Ramirez! We love getting to see what's happening in 1st grade! You're the best!
